Friday, March 14, 2014

"Soy sauce"

SR is a sweetheart! He told me that his name was soy sauce,  which is a nickname his mom calls him. He loves the color orange, laughing, and learning new things.  He is full of surprises, he can name every single one of Thomas the tank engine's friends, count & name colors in Spanish, tell you how many sides any shape has, and will always ask how your day is going.  The other day he asked me if he could keep me forever.
    One day he was having a hard time dealing with being in class and he started crying and asked me for a hug. Seemed simple enough. I gave him a hug, he cried for a little while longer on my shoulder then looked at me and said "thank you Ms. Sherria I needed that".  It took everything in my to not start bawling. 
    Recently he's been into making cards for his classmates where he practices writing their names and drawing in colors he knows they love. I caught a snapshot of this picture last week because I haven't seen him draw something for himself in quite some time. The fact that he attempted to use his sounds to spell the word "house" was the icing on the cake.
My passion for teaching is fueled by kids like SR.  Which, lucky for me has been all of my kids in the last two years.  They're all human they have their moments, life can be stressful whether you're 3 or 100.  Each day I'm given the opportunity to work with children and can save a story or two like the one above keeps me going. 


  1. This is a great story. I'm impressed that after he cried his statement was "I needed that." Wow, how old is SR? I hope we all remember that their little bodies are not design for stress however hugs do transfer positive energy back to the soul of the child.
    Thank you for a great read!
    P.S. Your statement about whether being 3-100 we all have moments..... I have a Mister Rogers statement of something similar .........check it out if you have time:-)

  2. Sherria, great story! Sometimes, it's those little simple acts that mean the most to a person. To be able to give a student exactly what they need at that particular moment is so powerful! Positive words and simple gestures is so important to the success of our students. Thanks again for the great story!


  3. Hi Sherria. I loved this story. I have so many similiar stories just like the one you shared. I could feel the emotions from the child and yours as well just through the written words you used. Its the little things throughout a normal day that makes you stop that warm your heart as a teacher. I can tell you and SR how a wonderful bond that will not break!!!!
