Friday, March 14, 2014

overheard conversation at the snack table 3/5/2014

LS- KS, why are you brown and I'm white?
KS- (flips hand over to show off palm) Look, I'm kinda white too LS, so we're still the same.
LS- Oooo okay (smiles), well what's your favorite train to ride?

***I am going to cry my eyes out in June when they graduate, sweetest kids ever.. Everyone is the same***

- The above was a status I posted quoting two kids from my class. My aunt was a preschool teacher for over 15 years and is now writing a book compiled of everything from hilarious memories to quotes from children she has saved over the years, and after listening to some of her stories I began to keep a log as well.  As of right now, I am not planning on trying to get a book published, but reminiscing on conversations such as the above gives me a reason to smile and keep going regardless of what obstacles I am facing.  I try to write down a funny story or cute quote every day. 

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