Sunday, March 23, 2014


My personal childhood web consists of four people. My parents, my aunt Jennifer, and my brother. All equally important to my growth and all who have influenced me and helped me to be the person I am today. 

My brother Zane

My parents, happily married for a million years. 

My parents and my moms youngest sister, my aunt Jennifer. 


My parents are my biggest influences. They both came to New York from the West Indies full of dreams. They taught me to always strive for better. They both pushed me to finish school. Inspired me to try everything from piano to every type of dance. All while supporting me in everything, whether I succeeded or wanted to quit they were always in my front row cheering me on.  We've had our ups and downs and typical arguments, but I've never felt more loved and supported by anyone in life. 
  Growing up my brother was my least favorite person on Earth.  Being a child actor and a easy straight A student I felt as if I was always in competition with him.  Which inadvertently inspired me to strive to be a better student and try to impress my parents with my grades and extra curricular activities. 
My brother taught me to have fun. He gained attention from his agent by embracing his love of entertaining people through performance. He would pretend to be Michael Jackson and perform for anybody that would listen to him. He inspired me to be myself and embrace the moment. My wears whatever he wants to, does whatever he want to, and spent our entire childhood dancing and singing for anyone who would listen. 
My aunt Jennifer is my rock. She came from the West Indies when I was a baby specifically to take care of me and hasn't left my side for the past 26 years. It's almost like having a second mother. Sometimes I even call her before calling my own mother. She keeps me grounded, teaches me lessons I may not want to hear or learn. Through unconditional love and understanding she has helped me to be a better person. 

My family is my web and I love them all dearly. My ultimate goal in life is to become so rich that my parents, aunt (altogether I have 26 aunts and uncles whom I love so much, but am not as close to), and brother won't have to work. Thankful to have such a strong support system. 

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