Monday, June 30, 2014

Thank you

I appreciate the wealth of knowledge shared between everyone in the class via our blogs.  Thank you everyone!  Over this course I have saved your sources and learned so much about so many topics and I am extremely appreciative! Best of luck!

 Kara Cashwell,
During this course I had the pleasure of discussing various issues with my colleagues, some we all agreed on and some we were able to politely discuss our opposing views and come to an agreement.  For that reason, the first person that comes to mind that I would like to thank is Kara Cashwell.  I even wrote about how much our week six debate helped me in feeling more secure and assertive with being able to express and explain my beliefs at work, listen to feedback, and be more open to understanding where someone else is coming from.  I appreciate you for sharing your opinion while still being open minded to listening to mine.  I also really enjoyed reading your blog entries and discussion posts!  Wishing you the best on your journey!

Kind Regards,

Sherria Green

Lisa Brownell,

During this course I looked forward to reading your blog.  Your entries are always full of information that I can take with me and utilize in my own research and at work.  You explain everything and support your findings with superb sources, and I am extremely grateful to have gotten to learn from you a second time.  I have also saved (and fallen in love with) your Dr. Seuss quote, "a person is a person no matter how small". Thank you for always making your entries interesting and descriptive, while getting straight to the heart of the discussion quickly.  Wishing you the best on your journey!!

Kind Regards,

Sherria Green

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